Do 10 Things to become Attractive [Men and Women]

Wajahat Hassan
7 min readApr 13, 2020


Are you a person who want others to feel attracted to you?

First of all, I want to say that you can become super attractive no matter if you feel you cannot. If you start applying these things into your life, you will see a massive difference.

No matter what gender you have, there are some qualities which are universal and if you start working on them regularly, you will become the person who everybody loves to be around.

So, here I provide the 10 life changing things you need to work on in order to become irresistibly attractive:

1. Authenticity:

Authenticity and being yourself is one of the top quality attractive people have. We have all seen some people who just love themselves and they’re being themselves all the time and you just love to be around them.

You have to realise that there’s nobody like you in this universe. Nobody else can be you. You are unique in your own way. Start accepting your weirdness and be confident in what you are. If you want others to love you start accepting and loving yourself first.

Just close your eyes and think about what good qualities that you have and be proud and happy that you have them. I repeat, attractive people love themselves a lot and you have to start doing it from today in order to become attractive to other people.

2. Say No to Ego:

Ego is that thing which mostly damages people’s relationships which one another. Because ego is all about yourself and not others. A lot of people do not accept their faults when they’re wrong and that is mainly because of ego and this sends a negative message to others.

I have seen a lot of relationships falling down from the sky because of ego.

First of all, you need to take things easy, do not take everything on a personal level, accept what is right and do not feel bad if you’re not the best in the ground.

3. Be Confident:

Confidence is another sweet quality which attractive people possess. Confidence is all about believing yourself. Confidence comes when you truly accept and trust yourself.

If you are not confident already, trust me, you can build confidence with time. It is like a muscle, each repetition makes a difference and if you keep on practising it you will boost your confidence in short time.

First of all, believe in yourself that you can do it. A lot of us have a fixed mindset that if you do not possess a skill, you cannot develop it now. However, it is completely wrong. You can become a better version of yourself at anytime in life. All it takes is just belief and practice.

So, get out of your comfort zone. Trust yourself in every moment and be yourself. Think about what other confident people have that you don’t. You have all it takes, just practice, practice and practice.

4. Take care of yourself:

A big turn off in a person is that you do not take care of yourself. You do not take care of your body, of your health, maybe you do not brush your teeth or manage your hair in a proper way.

Realise that why should people care about you if you do not care about yourself.

Hygiene is also very important and people just run away from those who are not hygienic. If you ignore yourself people think this person doesn’t take care of himself and he will probably not take care of me too.

5. Appreciate Others:

This is also a great quality which attractive people possess. You can recall someone who just appreciate other people around him and you just love such people.

We all like people who make us feel good about ourselves, who appreciate our efforts and hard work, who understand us.

So, pass compliments to people around you. If someone is wearing new shoes, pass a compliment. Trust me, people just love compliments.

The best appreciation is when someone works hard in something and you appreciate their efforts. That just makes them feel wonderful and they in return also like you for that.

6. Be Positive:

Another turn off is when people are rude, negative or complain about things all the time. You have seen such people and you know that it is not comfortable around them.

Always keep a slight smile on your face and be positive and happy. The smile on the face has proved to make a massive difference. Trust me.

If you are relaxed and have a nice little smile on your face, people tend to interact with you more. They feel comfortable around you. So, whenever you greet somebody, put a smile on your face and notice the difference.

7. Express Yourself:

Attractive people always have their hearts on their mouth. They express what they feel about different things and they’re not shy. If you are an introvert, you need to step up your game. You have to become confident and start talking more.

If you are sitting in a group of people, be confident and talk. Always express yourself. Communication is a magical skill which attractive people have. Do not be scared of talking to people.

Even if you think somebody is wrong, you should not directly say to their face. Instead, you have to speak in such a polite way that they do not get offended, you make your point and you also have a respect for what they have said.

8. Do not be Possessive:

Another hurdle in being super attractive is being possessive all the time. People try to control other people and they do not give them enough space to breath and shine.

It is our biological nature to feel free and if you make someone’s decisions yourself all the time, what they should do, what they shouldn’t do, what should they wear etc, that makes you less attractive.

It is okay to suggest other people what you think is better for them but forcing somebody is a big turn off.

So, you need to take things easy a little bit and give people space to thrive and do their own thing and this makes you attractive to other people.

9. Be Funny Not Boring:

It is a fact that we all love to be around someone who is funny, who makes us laugh, who cracks some nice jokes. If you are someone who is silent all the time that is a turn off.

As I have said above, you need to express yourself and be yourself. Just talk. You can develop a sense of humour if you start practising. Observe other people who are funny or the stand up comedians like Trevor Noah.

If you can make people laugh, you become super attractive and people will love to sit around you. So, be happy and also make others happy.

10. Show interest but not too much:

As Dale Carnegie has said, “You can make more friends in two months by becoming interested in other people than you can in two years by trying to get other people interested in you.”

We all feel good when someone shows interests in us, when someone gives importance to us, when someone gives value to us. It is in our nature.

So, start showing interest in other people, ask questions about what’s going on in their lives, how do they feel about something and try to understand them. This makes you attractive to other people and it sends a message that this person gives value to us and our lives.

Another important thing to notice is that you should not become a creep and show too much interest to everyone. You have to keep a nice balance of it. Be confident and casual.

Lastly, I want you realise that you can do it, you can become a better version of yourself, we all start from somewhere, all it takes is practice and trust me you will definitely become super attractive when you try to understand and apply the things that I have mentioned in your daily life on a regular basis.

Always love and believe in yourself.

Please share your story and if you have any tips please share as I would love to hear it from you.



Wajahat Hassan
Wajahat Hassan

Written by Wajahat Hassan


Wajahat is a professional content writer and SEO Expert. He knows how to create quality content which the readers can’t resist.

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